Product | Shields | Stepper Motor Driver Shield
Stepper Motor Driver Shield
Stepper Motor Driver Shield
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Stepper Motor Driver Shield

The stepper motor is the open loop control element that can change the electrical pulse signal into angular displacement or linear displacement. Under non-overload conditions, the motor speed, the stop position only depends on the frequency and number of pulses of the pulse signal, and regardless of load changes, its rotation is operated in a fixed angle step by step. We can control the amount of angular displacement through controlling the number of pulses, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; at the same time we can also control the speed rotation and acceleration of the motor through controlling the pulse frequency, then to achieve speed adjustment.

The main controller chipset for stepper motor module V1.0 is A3977.

First: Connect with external power supply through V01 interface, the input voltage of this module should be between 8.0V and 35V.

Second: The input interface contains reset control and other three way control signal. About the stepper motor output, One of phase coil of the dual phase stepper motor is connected to M1A and M1B, another phase coil is connected to the M2A and M2B. D

Please adjust the precision of the stepper motor through the switch 1 and switch 2 as follows:

1、Step Precision Choice

2、The Current Maximum Choice

The user can change the size of the current of stepper motor by changing the size of R5 resistance. When clockwise rotation R5, the current increase. More current means a strong drive ability and more power consumption and emit more heat.

3、PFD Voltage

Please adjust the voltage of PFD through R4, which is to control the current attenuation mode. If PFD input voltage is higher than 0.6 VDD, then choose slow attenuation mode; if Less than 0.21 VDD, then choose fast attenuation mode; If between the two mode, then choose mixed attenuation mode.

Different speed of the motor should choose different attenuation mode. High speed for fast attenuation, low speed for slow attenuation. When high speed for slow attenuation will appear vibration with high noise. Low speed for fast attenuation will lead to serious motor weakness, if very serious then will appear the phenomenon of positioning is not exact.

4、Power input

Stepper motor module working voltage range: DC 8.0-35V.


5、Output Connection

One of phase coil of the dual phase stepper motor is connected to M1A and M1B, another phase coil is connected to the M2A and M2B. Different stepper motor may have different connection.

In addition, this module adopt a TLP280-4 optical coupler, which has strong anti-jamming ability、work stability、long service life and higher transmission efficiency...... etc characteristic, the most important thing is to realize the complete electrical isolation between input port and output port.

Click here to download the manual and schematic diagram


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